Professor of Historical Theology | Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
Dr. Adriaan Neele (PhD, University of Utrecht) is Director of the Doctoral Program and Professor of Historical Theology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He is a minister of Word and Sacrament in the Heritage Reformed Congregation. Prior to arriving at PRTS in 2016, he lectured in Post-Reformation studies at Farel Reformed Theological Seminary (Montréal), the University of Pretoria, and the African Institute for Missiology. He was Professor of Historical Theology and Director at the Jonathan Edwards Centre at the University of the Free State, South Africa. Since 2007 he serves as Research Scholar and Digital Editor at the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University, and as a member of various businesses and academic boards (Dutch Reformed Translation Society, Bavinck Institute, Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale, Reformation Heritage Books). In addition, he is co-editor of the Yale Jonathan Edwards Studies journal, co-editor of the Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia, and co-editor of the global Edwards sermon editing project. His research interests concern seventeenth-century Europe as well as early American (eighteenth-century New England) theology and philosophy. As co-founder of a foundation for internet-based and global theological education, he has a continuing interest in the intersection of primary sources, digitization, and web-based education.